DSH Abuse
Welcome to the dshabuse.org website. We hope you will visit our DSHABUSE YouTube channel and our Dshabuse Facebook page, also you can use the menu option to get more details about SYSTEMIC/OPERATIONAL DEFICIENCIES within the California Department of State Hospitals (DSH), which is currently out of control in so many ways.
We are here for only one reason: To make the California Department of State Hospitals a safer place by shining a light on corruption, abuse, systemic and operational deficiencies. We are here to serve patients, staff, the community, and everybody has a role to play in this process. DSH is in a dire state of crisis which most people don’t realize with a staggering cost.
We are a work in progress and hope to grow and evolve into a consumer reports of sorts for the Department of State Hospitals that has gone astray. However, many forces have tried to stop this effort, including the Director of the DSHABUSE platform, Jeff, as this launch was slated to occur weeks ago.
Here are our immediate goals:
1) Persuade the Governor and Legislature that the California Department of State Hospitals requires new leadership immediately across the landscape, including a new Director of State Hospitals, and that Stephanie Clendenin should not be that leader.
2) Seek emergency legislation that will create meaningful independent law enforcement oversight for the California Department of State Hospitals.
3) Seek legislative audits, subcommittee hearings, LAO reports, investigations, and inquiry by independent law enforcement.
4) Your patience, love, and support as we grow this website into something great which can help many people.
Due to the mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic within DSH, and a number of staff deaths at Patton State Hospital, we have rushed to publish this website. The DSHABUSE director, Jeff, has been under extraordinary attack by DSH staff due to what he has exposed on our DSHABUSE YouTube channel, as well as his testimony against Stephanie Clendenin at her confirmation hearing before the California Senate Rules Committee on August 12, 2020. Prior to the hearing on August 6, 2020, water was thrown all over his documents for that hearing, and then the next day staff went into his room to make sure the wet documents were destroyed.
At the present time, local communities surrounding each Department of State Hospital Facility are in great danger in which State Hospital employees circulate because basic COVID-19 protocols are not being followed. Staff and police are not wearing masks consistently around each other, or in patient care areas, and they are searching patients without wearing full PPE breaking down any concept of social distancing. There are many interviews with patient witnesses on the DSHABUSE YouTube channel to validate this. Before something even worse happens to Jeff, we want to release the following bullet points. DSHABUSE stands by each of these bullet points as factual and true. Our pledge to you is to always be truthful and credible; We are patient advocates relying on patient and staff sources that we believe to be credible, and most are available to be interviewed by Law Enforcement, credible Investigators from the press, Legislature, Governor’s office, FBI, etc. Anyone who has information about the Department of State Hospitals can call the DSHABUSE Hotline toll free at (833) 836-0948. Or, Jeff could be reached directly via his voicemail at (415) 423-0666.
DSHABUSE desperately needs the support and collaboration of various disciplines such as attorneys, psychiatrists, other professionals, and the community, as well as staff from the Department of State Hospitals to make our goals a success. Please watch this website carefully, as well as our other platforms, for regular updates and posts regarding systemic and operational deficiencies, as well as non-compliance with COVID-19 protocol, in spite of the attempt by certain DSH staff to stop what we are doing to expose the crisis inside of several DSH facilities.