Coalinga State Hospital ceases DSHABUSE flyers and violation of policy and law.
Brandon Price Executive Director, of Coalinga State Hospital, ordered/allowed sworn police officers to cease U.S.Mail sent to the DSHABUSE Director, Jeff, that have nothing more than screenshots of the DSH abuse platforms. On 9/25/20, Form DSH-C 005, was issued claiming that the “Miscellaneous papers are on hold pending administrative review.”
There is no such DSH Policy or procedure which allows for the confiscation of mail or documents in this manner, for administrative review, utilizing this DSH Form. Only if property or mail is deemed contraband upon receipt, or suspected to be contraband, can it be confiscated and the proper form is DSH-C 102. These types of flyers, and similar printed material have been sent in to Jeff and many other patients for years. Furthermore this type of material is a First Amendment, free speech right, which has been upheld in dozens of court decisions involving prison newspapers and other types of literature involving controversial speech.