Assembly Member Monique Limon blocks voice messages from regarding the California State Hospital crisis!
Assembly Member Monique Limon sits on a Health Committee on the California State Legislature. On 9/17/20, sent a blast voice message to all California State Senate and Assembly members suggesting that a statewide survey of all patients and staff in the California Department of State Hospitals was urgently needed to calculate the current level of abuse, corruption, systemic and operational deficiencies. This survey would also be a prerequisite to assist Senator Roth and other members of the Senate Rules Committee who indicated on August 12, 2020, that they had some interest in investigating conditions inside the Department of State Hospitals utilizing investigative tools such as audits and perhaps legislative analyst reports. It was discovered that Assembly Member Limon has chosen to block all blast voice messages from which utilizes the service to send important announcements to the legislature regarding its investigations and postings on, as well as its YouTube channel DSHABUSE. We are currently in the process of trying to negotiate with Assembly Member Limon’s Chief of staff, Marina Saberiano, to persuade them that Assembly Member Limon should be dialed-in more so than any other member due to the fact that she sits on the Health Committee.

To listen to the blast voice mail: